Odtwarzalność badań neuroobrazowych
Około 2 lata temu Weronika Sójka wraz z dr Karoliną Finc rozpoczęły podsumowywać swoje notatki na temat odtwarzalności w formie otwartego przewodnika po odtwarzalnym badaniu neuroobrazowym (https://reproducible-neuroimaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). To był ich punkt wyjścia do współpracy z naukowcami z całego świata nad artykułem „Open and reproducible neuroimaging: from study inception to publication”, który jest właśnie dostępny jako preprint (https://osf.io/pu5vb/). Wierzymy, że ta praca może być bardzo pomocna dla wszystkich zainteresowanych prowadzeniem dobrej jakości badań neuroobrazowych.
Empirical observations of how labs conduct research indicate that the adoption rate of open practices for transparent, reproducible, and collaborative science remains in its infancy. This is at odds with the overwhelming evidence for the necessity of these practices and their benefits for individual researchers, scientific progress, and society in general. To date, information required for implementing open science practices throughout the different steps of a research project is scattered among many different sources. Even experienced researchers in the topic find it hard to navigate the ecosystem of tools and to make sustainable choices. Here, we provide an integrated overview of community-developed resources that can support collaborative, open, and reproducible neuroimaging throughout the entire research cycle from inception to publication and across different neuroimaging modalities. We review tools and practices supporting study inception and planning, data acquisition, research data management, data processing and analysis, and research dissemination. We believe it will prove helpful for researchers and institutions to make a successful and sustainable move towards open and reproducible science and to eventually take an active role in its future development.